
Hydross the Unstable



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Hydross the Unstable


Ideal Class Balance

DPS: 12
Tank: 4
Heal: 9


Rogue: 3
DPS Warrior: 1
Hunter: 1
Mage: 4
Warlock: 3

Shaman: 2
Priest: 4
Paladin: 2
Resto Druid: 1

Tank Druid: 2
Tank Warrior: 2

GroupingはPlayer SkillやGear、Class Balanceに依存する。
Resist Gearを持った4人のTankとDPS特化のGroupの二つが必要である。

そしてDruidはTanking Formにおいて、Warriorよりも大きいDPSを出す事ができ、

Gear Minimum


MeleeDPS:Karazhan武器、Lv70 Blue Armorかそれ以上
Healers:KarazhanクラスのBlue/Epic Armorかそれ以上
Tank Druid:Frost/Nature Resist Gearを両方、Health Gear
Tank War:
1人はNature Resist Gear、もう一人はFrost Resist Gear。Block Ratingは不要。
Resistance GearはLv70 Epicの物が必要である(これを着る時、Defence等のStatsは
減少するだろう。MobsはCritical Strikeを撃ち込んでくるだろうが、Resistance Gearは

DruidはAddしかTankできないけれども、Druid TankはWarriror Tankよりも攻撃力が高い。
これは4Tank全員にResistance GearとResistance Aura/Totemが常に必要な事を意味する。

以下にResistance Gearのベンチマークを記載する。
もしこれ以上のダメージを食らうのなら、もっとResistance Gearが必要だ。

FrostTank:基本3100dmg/100% Markを喰らっている時に攻撃をResistできなかった場合:11000ダメージ
NatureTank:基本2900dmg/100% Markを喰らっている時に攻撃をResistできなかった場合:10000ダメージ
Druidの平均被ダメージ(Add1匹の場合):3100dmg - Resiできなかった場合のMax Hit 約6000

Minimum Consumables Requirements


Melee DPSはFel Str Elixir/Elixir of Major Agi/Winterfall Firewater/DPS Foodや他の
この戦闘ではPoisonは役に立たないので、Adamantite Sharpening Stoneを使う。

Ranged DPSはFlask of Firepower/Adept's Elixir/Elixir of Major fire,frost.shadow Powerや、



Frost Protection PotionsはFrost Stageにおいて大きなアドバンテージとなる。
Nature Prot PotもFrostも完全に必要というわけではないが、
Water Tombはかなり高い確率であなたに当り、また、周囲にChainするだろう。
戦闘に入る前にFrost Prot Potionを飲んでおくと便利である。
Vile Sludgeのダメージは低く、また、あなたに当たる確率も低い。

UI Modifications:MTはTimer系Addonを持ち、Impending Vulnerabilityのスタックを

Third party Programs:Ventやそれに似たVCProgramは、Heal Callや
Tank Switchの警告、Mana、そしてAggro状況等を知らせあう為にRaidに必須である。

Wipe Recovery

Hydross the Unstable wipe recovery positions


Boss Abilities



低い。適切にTacの通りにこなしているなら、運が絡むのはWater Tombのみであり、

Mark of Hydross

NatureかFrost Vulnerabilityが15秒毎にスタックする。
(Frost PhaseならFrost Vulが、Nature Phaseなら以下省略って事)

Water Tomb

これはあなたのDPSを止め、大量のTomb Chainを生み出し、死者を出すだろう。
Water TombのダメージはMark of Hydrossの影響を受け、100%Vulnerbilityの状態で
Full Healthを持たないプレイヤーを殺してしまうだろう。
このSpellはFrost Phaseにおいて7秒毎に1回、MT以外のTargetにランダムで使用される。

その為にはTarget's Targetが必須であり、あなたをTargetしたら

Vile Sludge

Healing Doneを50%減少させ、500dmg/1secのダメージを24秒間与え続ける。
これはNature Phaseにおいて15秒毎に1回、Raidの誰かにランダムで飛んでくる。
また、Pal無敵やRogのCoSのようなMagic Immunities効果によって取り除くことが可能である。

Summon Water Elemental

Frost Phaseでは4匹のPure Spawnを、Poison PhaseではTainted Spawnx4がpopする。




Fight Overview

このビームから引きずりだすとPoison Phaseに、このビームに当てるとFrost Phaseになる。
彼はTrigger Lineを横切ると同時にPhaseを変更し、4匹のAddを沸かせる。
彼はPhase毎にFrost/NatureのResistance Gearを装備した二人のWarriorによってTankされる。
また、両方のResistanceを上げたDruid Tankが両PhaseのAddをTankするのに向いている。


Phase 1 Overview

これはPullから1st SwitchさせるまでのPhaseである。

Phase 2

Poison/Nature Phaseの位置取り

これはPoison Phaseが始まった時の位置取りの図である。
Water PhaseにSwitchする約5秒前になったらHydrossをPhase3の図にあるような、
切り替わる5~10秒前にはDruid TankはPhase3の図にある位置に移動し、
Aggro-Insensitive Rangedはバラける事。


Phase 3

Water/Frost Phase Positions

この図はWater Phase開始時の立ち位置である。
Phase2に再度切り替える5秒前になったら、BossをTrigger Lineの以下Poisonと同じなので中略。
Phase切り替え5~10秒前になったら6にいるプレイヤーはTankをWater Tombに巻き込まないようにするため7へ移動する。
Water Tombに互いを巻き込まないようにする為、全員がきっちり距離を取り合わないとならない。

Aggro Sensitive RangedはPoison Phaseに切り替わった瞬間にAggroを取らないようにする為、東側に位置していなくてはならない。
これはRangedDPSとMT Healerを含む。


Phase 1 - Detail

250% Frost Vulnerabilityを得る10秒前からPullしなければならない。

Druid TanksはHydrossが遠くにいる時にAssembly LineにいるElementalにEngageする。
Initial Addsを倒したら(彼らはHydrossとの戦闘中でもRespawnする)、TankがHydrossとEngageする。
Tankは西でTankingを開始し、直ちに逆側を向かせる。これにはSwiftness PotionとInterceptを使用する。
そのまま彼をPhase2のTrigger Lineから引き剥がし、今度はHydrossをPull前にいた地点までDragしていく。


Nature/Frost(次のPhaseで必要になるResistance) Resistを装備しているWarriorはHydrossの色が変わったら即座に
Shield SlamとHeroic Strikeを叩き込み、HydrossへのDPSは最低でも5秒後から開始する。

Detailed Breakdown by Class


 Potion : Frost Resist Gearを着けているTankにはSwiftness Potionが必要になるだろう。
 Aggro Sensitivity : 最初の10秒間はAggroに対して慎重になるべきだ。
 Stance Management : Pull時はFuryで、後はDefensive Stance。
 Movement : 戦闘開始時は走って近づき、Casterの逆を向かせるようにすること。
   この時、Poison Phaseにしてはならない。4匹のAddが出現し、Wipeしてしまうだろう。
   また、Shield Blockもしてはいけない。Elementalの攻撃をBlockすることはできないからだ。

Melee DPS

 Potion : お茶やRage Pot。
 Aggro Sensitivity : 最初の10秒。
 Target Priority : Hydross優先。
 Cooldown(Addと戦わないRogue) : 常に使い続ける。
 Cooldown(Addを処理するRogue) : Bladeflurry、CD2分以下のDamage Trinkets
 Utility : Battle Shout。
 Movement : Hydrossの周囲に散開する。

Ranged DPS

Aggro Sensitivity: Sensitive for first 10 seconds.
Target Priority: Hydross
Utility: Usual class DPS debuffs
Pet Usage: Whichever increases single-target DPS the most against Hydross
Movement: Spread out. You need to be further than 8 yards from each other person.


Tank sensitivity: Sensitive. If the tank doesn't partially resist a hit, his life will drop to 30-40% in one.
Healing assignments: Two shamans healing Water Tomb damage; Chain Heal is ideal. Other healers on the current main tank.
Aggro Sensitivity: Insensitive
Potions Usage: Mana
Movement: Spread out. Be more than 8 yards from each other person.
Note: Do not cancel heals nearly as much as in typical fights. The warrior's hp will can be brought to 40% in a single hit. Hydross' melee speed is consistent, but resists are not. Overhealing should be around 40% for tank healers. Use a meter such as SWstats to record and view overhealing.

Misc. Notes

The pull can be a sticking point without Swiftness Potions. Use them and save yourself a headache.

If Water Tombs are giving you problems when the debuff is stacked to 100% and your DPS seems fast enough, you can switch out of the frost/water stage earlier each cycle. If you are DPS heavy, leave at 100%. If you're a bit heal heavy, leave a few sec before 250% and assign an extra healer to Water Tombs. Always leave poison/nature at the same time (a few seconds before 250%).

To determine whether your DPS is fast enough, you must transition PAST phase 3 at least once. Record the percentage amount of damage dealt to Hydross during your phase 2 and phase 3.

% damage dealt in (phase2) + (phase3) = (% of dmg dealt to Hydross every 2 minutes)

You will deal 20% of his hp in the first 1 minute (phase 1) and Enrage happens at 10 minutes. Thus, you have 9 minutes to do 80% of additional damage. Divide 80% of Hydross' HP by the sum of your damage delt from phase 2 and phase 3. If this number is greater than 9, you will probably need more damage on Hydross. This could mean you're killing adds inefficiently, or it may mean your gear isn't good enough. Also bear in mind that this is an estimate. Due to loss of mana, abilities, and players, your DPS will decrease as the fight progresses.

Phase 2 - Detail

(Begin poison/nature stage. Four nature-hitting adds spawn. Tank switches from frost tank to nature tank. This phase lasts until 10 seconds before 250% Nature Vulnerability. This phase lasts aproximately 1 minute.)

View the diagram above for this phase.

Hydross will have changed colors from blue to green and spawned 4 green adds. These adds can 1-hit kill anything other than tanks. One mage should begin the phase in the middle of the adds, Frost Nova before they're fully phased in, and then Blink to safety. Druids will pick up these adds and group them together under Hydross. All DPS should wait about 5 seconds, assist one predetermined person and then DPS the adds down quickly. You will have about 20 seconds to DPS Hydross after the adds are down before needing to shift to the next phase. When this time comes (5 seconds before the 250% mark), DPS and the MT's primary healers must move east of the poison phase trigger (to the sides), as shown in the diagram. This is also the time when druids move into the position in the diagram and DPS ceases fire until the switch occurs. Tank switch is the same as the last, except the two warriors' roles are reversed. The nature tank needs to move backwards across the trigger until Hydross changes colors. This is the end of phase2.

Detailed Breakdown by Class

Warrior Tank
Hydross is Taunt immune. However, each phase switch of Hydross will result in a partial aggro loss to the current tank. This allows the tanks to switch at each phase. Positioning is really the only thing for you to perfect. Be sure no one is near you (avoid Water Tomb). The tank that just got relieved may Concussion Blow an add, but shouldn't try to tank it due to having the wrong resistance gear.
Potions Usage: Health potions, Last Stand, any other emergency item or ability.
Aggro Sensitivity: Sensitive. The DPS must cease damaging Hydross for about 3-5 seconds after the phase switch.
Stance Management: Defensive Stance.
Movement: Move Hydross across the threshold in the poison diagram to trigger the phase.
Note: Be ready to use consumable/trinkets/Last Stand/etc. Sometimes the aggro dump happens before the phase switch, resulting in a huge non-resisted hit to the tank wearing the wrong resistance gear type.

Druid Tank
Two adds each, systematically decide who tanks which 2, repeat the same plan each phase. Once tanked, try your best to stack them all on top of Hydross. Be prepared to bash an add, be vocal on voice comms and let your add-damaging rogues know if you need a stun. This occurs if your healers are debuffed, if you take several non-resisted hits, etc. At the end of the fight, the druid tanks will have taken as much damage as the main tanks. Note also that their health will dip up and down much more than the MTs due to wearing split resistance gear.

Melee DPS
Potions Usage: Thistle Tea, Rage Potions.
Aggro Sensitivity: Adds and Hydross sensitive for first 5 seconds.
Target Priority: Split 2 rogues on Hydross with the rest on adds. Assist a single person on adds.
Cooldowns: (Non-add rogues) Anything.
(Add rogues) None.
Utility: Battle Shout. Rogues listen on voice comms for Water Tombed/debuffed healers. Watch the druid tanks' HP. The add fighting rogue(s) should be on 1 druid's set of adds and be ready to stun with at least a 2-point Kidney Shot or a Vanish and Cheap Shot if the druid's HP dips under 40%.
Movement: Move to Stage 1's spread-out positions AFTER adds are down.
Note: Be very careful to avoid Frost Nova "traps" (having the adds immobilized on top of you), you can be 1 shot at any time by any single add.

Ranged DPS
Aggro Sensitivity: Adds and Hydross sensitive for first 5 seconds.
Target Priority: Assist 1 person on the adds.
Utility: Frost Trap, Frost Nova, Scattershot. Don't use Banish or Fear because this reduces DPS too much.
Movement: Stay spread out and away fromthe tank during the frost stage.
Note: If you pull aggro, you will die, and your raid will lose this fight. Use Seed of Corruption if spec'd properly.

Tank Sensitivity: Both Druids and Hydross' tanks' hp will be diping up and down drastically.
Healing Assignments: 2 healers per druid with the Water Tomb healers assisting with healing anything.
Aggro Sensitivity: None.
Potions Usage: Mana.
Movement: Stay spread out.

Phase 3 - Detail

(Begin frost/water stage. Four frost-hitting adds spawn. Tank switches from nature tank to frost tank. This phase lasts for 45 seconds to 1 minute (dependant upon the raid leader's choice, which reflects whether your raid is DPS heavy or healer heavy) View the diagram above for phase 3.)

Your frost tank will have established agro. Once the frost tank has aggro, all casters need to spread out. DPS the adds down (this is when you use Blade Flurry and Sweeping Strikes). Once the adds are down, you may arrange yourselves into DPS groups and attack Hydross. You have about 10 seconds if you're a DPS heavy raid, and about 20 seconds if you're a healer heavy raid (the reasoning is listed as a "misc note" under phase 1). After this time is up, the tank should move Hydross across the poison trigger. Begin phase 2. (Phase 2 and 3 are repeated until the phase switch after the boss hits 15% HP)

Detailed Breakdown by Class

Warrior Tank
Same as phase 2 except: move Hydross across the threshold in water diagram to trigger the phase.

Druid Tank
Same as phase 2. However, slightly more difficult to round up the adds due to lack of Frost Nova/trap control.

Melee DPS
Potions Usage: Thistle Tea, Rage Potions.
Aggro Sensitivity: Adds sensitive for first 10 seconds, Hydross sensitive for 5 seconds.
Target Priority: Split, 2 rogues on Hydross; the rest on adds. Assist 1 person on adds.
Cooldowns: (Non-add rogues) Anything; Blade Flurry adds when they're clumped/controlled.
(Add rogues) Bladeflurry, Adrenaline Rush, Evasion combo. Blade Flurry will be used on every water stage. However, you must wait for druids to maintain solid agro if you do not have Evasion up. Having Vanish available is not an acceptable reason to Blade Flurry early, as the adds will 1 shot you.
Utility: Battle Shout, stuns.
Movement: Move to Stage 1's spread out positions after the adds are down.

Ranged DPS
Water AddsはそれらがImmuneだからだ。
AddsのThreat管理に関してはStage1よりも若干気にするべきで、Tank Druidsに

Tank Sensitivity: Both Druids and Hydross tanks' hp will be diping up and down drastically.
Healing Assignments: 2 healers per druid and 2 healers healing Water Tomb. All other healers dedicated to the MT.
Aggro Sensitivity: None.
Potions Usage: Mana.
Movement: Stay spread out. The druid's healers need to move east (toward Hydro's platform) quite a bit to heal during the water stage. Position yourselves near the two west flags.
Note: This is the most healing intense stage in the fight and you can not afford to have any deaths.

Phase 4


Recklessness、Heroism/Bloodlust、、Big-use/Cooldown Ability等、使える物全てである。
TankはShield Wallを使い、Enrage後の最初の数秒を耐え、Raidは残り数%を削りきる事に注力する。