Instructions and notes

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Instructions and notes - (2009/09/27 (日) 19:55:59) のソース

This page describes important notes and instructions how to use sample codes on the site.
* Important notes
- Error handlings and resource deallocations are ommited to concentrate on how to realize functions.
- Operation check has been done only on PS3. Please let me know if you find problems on other platforms.
* Instructions
There are two options:
- [[Minimal BD-J (Java) Devkit for PS3]](MBDfP), and
- [[HD Cookbook]]
but you should choose HD Cookbook at this time rom scalability and extensibity viewpoint.

The following table summarizes the procesure for each option.
||MBDfP|HD Cookbook|
|Preparation|Obtain and install stub file and MBDfP|Obtain and install stub file and HD Cookbook|
|Editing code|Change class name to MyXlet, save it as file name "", and compile it|replace "xlets/tests/functional/Playground/ with sample code|
|Building package|Generate 00000.jar based on MyXlet.class and bluray.MyXlet.permコ, sign 00000.jar with sign.bat, and then copy 00000.jar to the directory BDMV/JAR in "disc files" of MBDfP|Execute [[Ant]]|
|Writing the package to recording media|Rename INDEX.BDM and MOVIEOBJ.BDM to index.bdmv andMovieObject.bdmv, respectively、and copy the directory tree just under AVCHD directory in MBDfP to root of BD-RE/R media|Copy directory tree just under dist directory to the root of BD-RE/R media|
* See also
#right(){Tag list: &tags() &counter()}
* Message board

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