/*** Boneh & Franklin encryption scheme as presented in the article "Id-based encryption from the Weil pairing" ***/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* BF key generation, signature & signature verification */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { pairing_t pairing; element_t P, Ppub, Did, Qid, U, s, r, xt, gid; int fd=0,i=0,m_cnt=0,m_len=100; /*message length is a mutliple of 20*/ char m[100]={0}, mv[100]={0}, c[100]={0}, id[20]="", hash[20]={0}, err[80]={0}, *gs=NULL; unsigned long long ci=0, cf=0; double tt[1000]={0},tg=0,ts=0,tv=0,ti=0,t=0; FILE *f_t=NULL, *f_r=NULL; /* errors strings initialization for SHA1 & clock initialization for times computation */ ERR_load_crypto_strings(); SSL_load_error_strings(); clockinit(""); /*initialize the message which is going to be signed*/ fd = open("/dev/urandom",O_RDONLY); read(fd, m, m_len); close(fd); /*pairing function initalization from the input file which contains the pairing parameters*/ pbc_demo_pairing_init(pairing, argc, argv); if (!pairing_is_symmetric(pairing)) pbc_die("pairing must be symmetric"); /*initialization of G1 elements*/ element_init_G1(P, pairing); element_init_G1(Ppub, pairing); element_init_G1(Qid, pairing); element_init_G1(Did, pairing); element_init_G1(U, pairing); /*initialization of Zr elements*/ element_init_Zr(s, pairing); element_init_Zr(r, pairing); /*initialization of GT elements*/ element_init_GT(gid, pairing); element_init_GT(xt, pairing); /*PKG generation of P, s and Ppub*/ element_random(P); element_random(s); element_mul_zn(Ppub, P, s); /*key generation*/ if(SHA1(id, 20, (unsigned char *)hash)==NULL) { ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),err); printf("%s\n",err); } element_from_hash(Qid, hash, strlen(hash)); element_mul_zn(Did, Qid, s); /*encryption*/ element_random(r); element_mul_zn(U, P, r); element_pairing(gid, Qid, Ppub); element_pow_zn(gid, gid, r); gs=malloc(element_length_in_bytes(gid)); element_to_bytes(gs,gid); if(SHA1(gs , 20, (unsigned char *)hash)==NULL) { ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),err); printf("%s\n",err); } for(i=0;i<20;i++) { for(m_cnt=0;m_cnt<(m_len/20);m_cnt++) {c[i+(m_cnt*20)]=m[i+(m_cnt*20)]^hash[i];} } free(gs); /*decryption*/ element_pairing(xt, Did, U); gs=malloc(element_length_in_bytes(xt)); element_to_bytes(gs,xt); if(SHA1(gs , 20, (unsigned char *)hash)==NULL) { ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(),err); printf("%s\n",err); } for(i=0;i<20;i++) { for(m_cnt=0;m_cnt<(m_len/20);m_cnt++) {mv[i+(m_cnt*20)]=c[i+(m_cnt*20)]^hash[i];} } printf("\n%d\n",strncmp(m,mv,m_len)); /*free mem*/ element_clear(P); element_clear(Ppub); element_clear(Qid); element_clear(Did); element_clear(U); element_clear(gid); element_clear(r); element_clear(xt); element_clear(s); pairing_clear(pairing); free(gs); ERR_free_strings(); return 0; }