Keyboard Reference

Keyboard Reference キーボードリファレンス

SynthEyesは、Edit/Edit Keyboard Map(編集/キーボードマップ編集)メニューアイテムを通して、キーボードマップに対してユーザーが割り当てを行うことが出来ます。





複数のキーを同じ動作にマップできるので、例えばSelect All(すべて選択)をCtrl+AからCtrl+Tに変更したい場合、Ctrl+AをNONEにし、Ctrl+Tを設定しなければなりません。

そしてTを選択し、Ctrlチェックボックスをチェックし、最後にSelect All(すべて選択)のアクションに変更します。


Change to(~に変更)ボタンは、現在のキーの組み合わせでアクションを設定します。


例えば、“Reset Preferences.(リセット・プリファレンス)”などです。

Change to(~に変更)で、簡単にキーコードのセットアップが行えます:アクションを実行し、キーボードマネージャーを開いて下さい。

そして、セットしたいキーの組み合わせを選択してから、Change to(~に変更)を押して下さい。

Change to(~に変更)ボタンは、(特に、メニュー操作をボタンとして使用する場合)常に望んだ通りに動作しないかもしれません。






Key Contexts
SynthEyes allows keys to have different functions in different places; they are context-dependent. The contexts include:
·        The main window/menu
·        The camera view
·        Any perspective view
·        Any 3-D viewport
·        Any command panel
There is a separate context for each command panel.
In each context, there is a different set of applicable operations, for example, the perspective window has different navigation modes, whereas trackers can only be created in the camera window. When you select a context on the keyboard manager panel, only the available operations in that context will be listed.
Here comes the tricky part: when you hit any key, several different contexts might apply. SynthEyes checks the different contexts in a particular order, and the first context that provides an action for that key is the context and action that is applied. In order, SynthEyes checks
·        The selected command panel context
·        The context of the window in which the key was struck
·        The main window/menu context
·        The context of the camera window, if it is visible, even if the cursor wasnot in the camera window.
This is a bit complex but should allow you to produce many useful effects. Note that the 4thrule does have an “action at a distance” flavor that might surprise you on occasion, though it is generally useful.
You may notice that some operations appear in the main contextandthe camera, viewport, or perspective contexts. This is because the operation appears on the main menu and the corresponding right-click menu. Generally you will want the main context.
Keys in the command-panel contexts can only be executed when that command-panel is open. You can not access a button on the solver panel when the tracker panel is open, say. The solver panel's context is not active, so the key will not even be detected, the solver panel functionality is unavailable when it isn’t open, and changing settings on hidden panels makes for tricky user interfaces (though there are some actions that basically do this).
Default Key Assignments
Rather than imprecisely try to keep track of the key assignments here, SynthEyes provides aListingbutton, which produces and opens a text file. The file shows the current assignments sorted by action name and by the key, so you can find the key for a given action, or see what keys are unused.
The listing also shows the available actions, so you can see what functions you can assign a key to. All menu actions can be assigned, as can all buttons, check boxes, and radio boxes on the main control panels, plus a variety of special actions.
You will see the current key assignment listed after menu items and in the tooltips of most buttons, checkboxes, and radio buttons on command panels. These will automatically update when you close the keyboard manager.
Fine Print
Do not assign a function to plain Z or apostrophe/double-quote. These keys are used as an extra click-to-place shift key in the camera view, and any Z or ’/” keyboard operation will be performed over and over while the key is down for click-to-place.
The Reset Zoom action does two somewhat different things: with no shift key, it resets the camera view so the image fills the view. When the shift key is depressed, it resets the camera view so that the image and display pixels are 1:1 in the horizontal direction, ie the image is “full size.” Consequently, you need to set up your key assignments so that the fill operation is un-shifted, and the 1:1 operation is shifted.
The same thing applies to other buttons whose functionality depends on the mouse button. If you shift-click a button to do something, then the function performed will still depend on the shift setting of the keyboard accelerator key.
There may be other gotchas scattered through the possible actions; you should be sure to verify their function in testing before trying them in your big important scene file. You can check the undo button to verify the function performed, for example.
The “My Layout” action sets the viewport configuration to one named “My Layout” so that you can quickly access your own favorite layout.
Key Assignment File
SynthEyes stores the keyboard map in the filekeybd08.ini. If you are very daring, you can modify the file using the SynthEyes keyboard manager, Notepad, or any text editor. SynthEyes’ exact action and key names must be used, as shown in the keyboard map listing. There is one keybd08.ini file for each user, located like this:
C:\Documents and Settings\YourNameHere\Application Data\SynthEyes\keybd08.ini (PC)
/Users/YourNameHere/Library/Application Support/SynthEyes/keybd08.ini (Mac OSX)
You can quickly access this folder from SynthEyes's File/User Data Folder menu item.
The preferences data and viewport layouts are also stored in prefs08.dat and layout08.ini files in this folder. Note that the Application Data folder may be “hidden” by the Windows Explorer; there is a Folder Option to make it visible.



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最終更新:2009年05月05日 19:01


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