Lens Control Panel

Lens Control Panel レンズコントロールパネル
Field of View. 視野FOV このフレームでの視野を角度で指定

Focal Length. 焦点距離(シーン・セッティングの現在のバックプレート幅を使って計算される)。説明のためだけに用意されています。
Add/Remove Key., このフレームでのFOV・FLのキーを追加・削除

Known. 視野FOVが既知で(一般的に最初の実行による)、視野シード・トラックから得られます。修復されるかもしれないか、ズームしているかもしれません。解析されたFOVトラックをFOVがトラッキングするシードへコピーしたいかどうか尋ねられます-解析されたFOVの下でロックしたいならば、そうしてください。
Fixed, Unknown. Radio Button. Field of view is unknown, but did not zoom during the shot.
Fixed, with Estimate. Radio Button. Camera did not zoom, and a reasonable estimate of the field of view is available and has been set into the beginning of the lens seed track. This mode can make solving slightly faster and more robust.Important:verify that you know, and have entered, the correct plate size before using any on-setfocal lengthvalues. A correct on-set focal length with an incorrect plate size makes the focal length useless, and this setting harmful.
Zooming, Unknown. Radio Button. Field of view zoomed during shot.
Lens Distortion. Spinner. Show/change the lens distortion coefficient.
Calculate Distortion. Checkbox. When checked, SynthEyes will calculate the lens distortion coefficient. You should have plenty of well-distributed trackers in your shot.
Add Line. Checkbox. Adds an alignment line to the image that you can line up with a straight line in the image, adjust the lens distortion to match, and/or use it for tripod or lock-off scene alignment.
Kill Line. Checkbox. Removes the selected alignment line (the delete key also does this). Control-click to delete all the alignment lines at once.
Axis Type. Drop-down list. Not oriented, if the line is only there for lens distortion determination, parallel to one of the three axes, along one of the three (XYZ) axes, or along one of the three axes, with the length specified by the spinner. Configures the line for alignment.
<->. Button. Swaps an alignment line end for end. The direction of a line is significant and displayed only for on-axis lines.
Length. Spinner. Sets the length of the line to control overall scene sizing during alignment. Only a single line, which must be on-axis, can have a length.
Atnnnf.Button. Shows(not set)if no alignment lines have been configured. This button shows the (single) frame on which alignment lines have been defined and alignment will take place; clicking the button takes you to this frame. Set each time you change an alignment line, or right-click the button to set it to the current frame.

Align! アラインメント線の設定にマッチするようシーンを整列させます ― At...ボタンで与えられているフレームのみです。他のフレームは、それに応じて調節されます。すべての解析に対して行うにはCTRLを押しながらクリックしてください。


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最終更新:2009年04月04日 04:45


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