Solver Control Panel

Solver Control Panel
Go!Button. Starts the solving process, after tracking is complete.
Master Reset. Button. Resets all cameras/objects and the trackers on them, though all Disabled camera/objects are left untouched. Control-click to clear the seed path, and optionally the seed FOV (after confirmation).
Error. Number display. Root-mean-square error, in horizontal pixels, of all trackers associated with this object or tracker.



Seeding Method. シード方法  ドロップダウン・リスト(上側)。解析プロセス(以下の方法から選ばれる)をし始める方法を制御する:
 Auto. List Item. Selects the automatic seeding(initial estimation) process, for a camera that physically moves during the shot.

 Refine. List item. Resumes a previous solving cycle, generally after changes in trackers or coordinate systems.
 Tripod. List Item. Use when the camera pans, tilts, and zooms, but does not move.
 Refine Tripod. List item. Resumes a previous solving cycle, but indicates that the camera was mounted on a tripod.

 Indirect.間接。他のカメラ/オブジェクトへのリンクから生成されるカメラ/オブジェクトのために使ってください。たとえば、デジタル・スチル・カメラから間接的に生成されるDVショットなど。マルチショットトラッキングMulti-Shot Tracking参照

オンセット測定データで使用してください。または、座標パネルの上でSet  All後に使用してください。
 Path. List Item. Uses the camera/object's seed path as a seed, for example, from a previous solution or a motion-controlled camera.

 Disabled. List Item. This camera/object is disabled and will not be solved for.


Directional Hint.方向のヒント。2つ目のドロップダウン・リスト。

  Automatic. List Item. In automatic seeding mode, SynthEyes can be given a hint as to the general direction of motion  
   of the camera to save time. With the automatic button checked, it doesn’t need such a hint.
  Left. カメラは、おおむね左に動く
  Right. List Item. The camera moved generally to its right.
  Up. List Item. The camera moved generally upwards.
  Down. List Item. The camera moved generally downwards.
  Push In. List Item. The camera moved forward (different than zooming in!).
  Pull Back. List Item. The camera moved backwards (different than zooming out!).
  Camera Timing Setting. The following items are displayed when “Individual” is selected as the object solving mode.  
   They actually apply to the entire shot, not just the particular object.
  Sync Locked. List Item. The shot is either the main timing reference, or is locked to it (ie, gen-locked video camera).
  Crystal Sync. List Item. The camera has a crystal-controlled frame rate (ie a video camera at exactly 29.97 Hz), but it
   may be up to a frame out of synchronization because it is not actually locked.
  Loosely Synced. List item. The camera's frame rate may vary somewhat from nominal, and will be determined relative
   the reference. Notably, a mechanical film camera.


Slow but sure.ゆっくり正確に解析  チェックボックス。チェックされると、SynthEyesは初回の解析時に特に一生懸命(そして、より長く)見ます。

Constrain制約 エキスパート用のチェックボックス。
調整対制約alignment vs constraintsを見てください。

Hold.Animated Button. Use to create hold regions to handle shots with amix of normal and tripod-modesections.
Begin. Spinner and checkbox. Numeric display shows an initial frame used by SynthEyes during automatic estimation. With the checkbox checked, you can override the begin frame solution. Either manually or automatically, the camera should have panned or tilted only about 30 degrees. If the camera does something wild between the automatically-selected frames, or if their data is particularly unreliable for some reason, you can manually select the frames instead. The selected frame will be selected as you adjust this, and the number of frames in common shown on the status line.
End. Spinner and checkbox. Numeric display shows a final frame used by SynthEyes during automatic estimation. With the checkbox checked, you can override the end frame solution.

World size.トラッカーとカメラのモーションを含むシーンのサイズの概算。

Transition Frms.移動フレーム数 トラッカーが最初に使用可能または、使用不可能になるとき、SynthEyesはそれらの解析への影響を徐々に減らし、検出できない移動を維持しようとします。値は、移動をいくつのフレームに広げるべきかについて指定します。
(原文)Spinner. When trackers first become usable or are about to become unusable, SynthEyes gradually reduces their impact on the solution, to maintain an undetectable transition.
The value specifies how many frames to spread the transition over.

Filter Frms. Spinner. Controls post-solving path filtering. If this control is set to 3, say, then each frame's camera position is a (weighted) average of its position within 3 frames earlier and 3 frames later in the sequence. A larger number creates a smoother path, butincreaseserrors.
Overall Weight. Spinner. Defaults to 1.0. Multiplier that helps determine the weight given to the data for each frame from this object's trackers. Lower values allow a sloppier match, higher values cause a closer match, for example, on a high-resolution calibration sequence consisting of only a few frames.WARNING: This control is for experts and should be used judiciously and infrequently. It is easy to use it to mathematically destabilize the solving process, so that you will not get a valid solution at all. Keep near 1.
More. Button. Brings up or takes down the Hard and Soft Lock Controls dialog.
Axis Locks. 7つのボタンからなります。
解析後、これらの制約はConstrain(制約)がOFFの場合は、ゆるく実施されます、Constrain(制約)がONの場合は、きつく実施されます。カメラまたはオブジェクト位置を制約するConstraining Camera or Object Position. のセクションを見てください。
  L/R. Left/right axis (ie X)
  F/B. Front/back axis (Y or Z)
  U/D. Up/down axis (Z in Z-up or Y in Y-up)
  FOV. Camera field of view (available/relevant only for Zoom cameras)
  Pan. Pan angle around ground plane
  Tilt. Tilt angle up or down from ground plane
  Roll. Roll angle from vertical



Never convert to Far.Normally, SynthEyes monitors trackers during 3-D solves, and automatically converts trackers to
  Far if they are found to be too far away. This strategy backfires if the shot has very little perspective to start with, as
  most trackers can be converted to far. Use this checkbox if you wish to try obtaining a 3-D solve for your nearly-a-tripod


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最終更新:2009年04月07日 20:32


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