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Back to Reality

Though our story is far-fetched, it is quite a bit more accurate than you might think. Though we’ll skip the hundred marching feet, you will be telling SynthEyes exactly how to position the model within the coordinate system.


And importantly, if you don’t give SynthEyes enough information about how to position the model, SynthEyes will take advantage of the lack of information: it will do whatever it finds convenient for it, which rarely will be convenient for you. If you give SynthEyes conflicting information, you will get an averaged answer—but if the information is sufficiently conflicting, it might take a long time to provide a result, or even throw up its hands and generate a result that does not satisfy any of the constraints very well.

There are five main methods for setting up the coordinates, which we will discuss in following sections:


·        Manually
·        Using the 3-point method
·        Alignment Lines
·        Constrained camera path
アライメントライン(alignment line)アプローチは、三脚モードと一つの固定ショットの場合に使われます。


You must decide what you want!If the shot has a floor and you have trackers on the floor, you probably want those trackers to be on the floor in your chosen coordinate system. Your choice will depend on what you are planning to do later in your animation or compositing package. It is very important to realize: the coordinate system is what YOU want to make your job easier. There is no correct answer, there is no coordinate system that SynthEyes should be picking if only it was somehow smarter…They are all the same. The coordinate measuring machine is happy to measure your scene for you, no matter where you put it! You don’t need to set a coordinate system up, if you don’t want to, and SynthEyes will plough ahead happily. But picking one will usually make inserting effects later on easier. You can do it either after tracking and before solving, or after solving.



Hint: if you will be exporting to acompositing package, they often measure everything, including 3-D coordinates, in terms of pixels, not inches, meters, etc. Be sure to pick sizes for the scene that will work well in pixels. While you might scale a scene for an actor 2m tall, if you export to a compositor and the actor is two pixels tall that will rarely make sense.



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最終更新:2009年04月14日 03:07


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