Optimizing for Real-Time Playback

Optimizing for Real-Time Playback
SynthEyes can be used as a RAM player for real-time playback of source sequences, source with temporary inserts, or final renders. This section will discuss how to best configure SynthEyes for this purpose.
Image Storage
First, you want to get the shot into RAM. Clearly, having a lot of RAM will help. If you are using a 32-bit system (XP/Vista-32 or OS X), you can only cache about 2.5 GB of imagery in RAM at a time, regardless of how much RAM is in your system, due to the nature of 32-bit addressing. In SynthEyes-64, running on XP/Vista-64, you can use your entire RAM, except for about 1.5 GB.
If your shot does not fit, you have two primary options: using the small playback-range markers on the SynthEyes time bar to play back a limited range of the shot at a time, or to reduce the amount of memory by down-sampling the images in the SynthEyes image preprocessor (or maybe drop to black/white). If you have 4K film or RED scans and are playing back on a 2K monitor, you might as well down-sample by 2x anyway.
If you have a RAID array on your computer, SynthEyes's sophisticated image prefetch system should let you pull large sequences rapidly from disk.
Refresh Rate Optimization
You want SynthEyes to play back the images at as rapid a rate as possible. On a PC, that usually means the Camera view, in normal mode, not OpenGL. On a Mac, use the Camera View in OpenGL mode.
All the other items being displayed also take up time and affect the display rate. From the Window menu, turn off “Show Top Time bar” and select “No Panel.” On the View menu, adjust Show Trackers and Show 3-D points depending on the situation.
Select the Camera view. It will now fill the entire viewport area, with only the menu and toolbar at top, the status line showing playback rate at the bottom, and a small margin on the left and right. You can further reduce the items displayed by selecting Window/Floating Camera. (There is no margin-less “full-screen” mode)
Actual-Speed Playback
Once you have your shot playing back as rapidly as possible, you probably want it to play at the desired rate, typically 24, 25, or 29.97 fps. 
You can tell SynthEyes to play back at full speed, half speed, quarter speed, or double actual speed using the items on the View menu.
SynthEyes does not change your monitor display rate. It achieves your desired frame rate by playing frames as rapidly as possible, duplicating or dropping frames as appropriate (much like a film projector double-exposes frames). The faster the display rate, the more accurately the target frame rate can be achieved, with less jitter.
With the control panel hidden, you should use the space bar to start and stop playback, and shift-A to rewind to the beginning of the shot.
Safe Areas
You can enable one or more safe-area overlays from the safe area submenu of the View menu.



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最終更新:2009年03月29日 15:24


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