Window Feature Reference

Graph Editor Reference グラフエディタリファレンス

グラフエディターはメインTOOLバーのグラフエディタボタン、メニューのWindow/Graph Editor 、F7キーから起動することができます。レイアウト内のビューポートとして表示することもできます。グラフエディターには多くのボタンはありますが、それらには、機能や特徴を確認するのに役立つ、広いtooltipsがあります。


Tracks Mode:

Tracker 7 is unlocked and selected in the main user interface, and a selection of keys from trackers 6, 7, and 9 are selected in the graph editor. While the other trackers are automatic, #7 is now supervised and tracks in the forward direction (note the directionality in the key markers). The current frame # is off to the left, before frame 35.


Graphs Mode:




Shared Features in All Modes  全モード共通の機能

Main Buttons  メインボタン

Tracks Mode.  トラックモード グラフ・エディタをトラック・モードに切り替えます。
Graphs Mode. グラフモード グラフ(カーブ)モードへ切り替えます。

Alpha, Error, Time Sort.. アルファベット順、エラー順、タイム順ソート.。アルファベット順で、解析後のエラー順で、時間準でトラッカーをソートします。

Selected Only..オンのとき、グラフ・エディタの「Active Trackersアクティブトラッカー」ノードで選択されているトラッカーだけを表示します。

Reset Time. .タイムのリセット。タイム・スライダーは、グラフ・エディタの見える幅の範囲内で全体のショットを示すように調整されます。

Toolbar Display Mode.. ツールバー・ディスプレイ・モード このボタンをクリックするとツールバーの表示・非表示をします。そして、タイム・スライダー・エリアだけを底で表示されたままにしておきます。

Show Status Background..  表示ステータス・バックグラウンド オンのとき、そのフレームで見えるトラッカーの数が十分かどうかを示す色のついたバックグラウンドが示されます。数は、移動しているカメラ、三脚ショット、ホールド領域で異なります。

Squish Tracks..[Only in tracks mode.] 圧縮トラック(トラックモードのみ)。 オンのとき、全トラッカーは表示キャンバス・エリアにあわせて垂直に圧縮されます。これは、概要を見るのに良い方法です。


Draw Selected..[Only in graphs mode.] 描画選択。(グラフエディタのみ)ONの(通常)とき、全ての選択されたノードまたは開いているノードのカーブが描画されます。OFFの時開いているノードが描画されます。


Time Slider
The graph editor time slider has two modes, controlled by the selector icon at left in the images below.
Slider mode. The slider locks up with the canvas area above it, showing only the displayed range of times.
Scroll mode. The slider area always shows the entire length of the shot. The dark gray box (scroll knob) shows the portion displayed in the canvas.
In the time slider mode:
·        left-click or –drag to change the current time.
·        Middle-drag to pan the canvas, or
·        right-drag to zoom/pan the time axis (same as in the canvas area and main SynthEyes time bar).
In the time scroll mode:
·        left-drag inside the gray scroll knob to drag the region being displayed (panning the canvas opposite from usual),
·        left-drag the blue current-time marker to change the time,
·        left-click outside the knob to “page” left or right,
·        double-click to center the knob at a specific frame,
·        middle-drag to pan the canvas in the usual way, or
·        right-click to expand to display the entire shot.
Left Hierarchy Scroll
This is the scroll bar along the left edge of the graph editor in both graph and tracks modes. In the hierarchy scroll:
·        left-drag inside the knob to move it and pan the hierarchy vertically,
·        left-click outside the knob to page up or down,
·        right-click to HOME to the top, or
·        double-click to center on that location.
The interior of the entire height of the scroll bar shows where nodes are selected or open, even though they are not currently displayed. You can rapidly see any of those open nodes by clicking at that spot on the scroll bar.
Hierarchy/Canvas Gutter
A small gutter area between the hierarchy and canvas area lets you expand the hierarchy area to show longer tracker names, or even to compress it down so that it can not be seen at all to save space if the graph editor is embedded in a complex layout.
Note that the gutter can not be seen directly; it starts at the right edge of the white border behind selected hierarchy nodes, and the cursor will change shape to a left/right drag cursor.
Tracks Mode
Hierarchy Area
The middle-mouse scroll wheel scrolls the hierarchy area vertically.
Disclosure Triangle.. Click to expose or hide the node/nodes/tracks under this node.
Visibility.. Show or do not show the node (tracker or mesh) in the viewports.
Color. . Has the following modes for trackers; only the last applies to other node types:
·        shift-click to add trackers with this color to the selection set,
·        control-click on the color square of an unselected tracker to select all trackers of this color,
·        control-click on the color square of a selected tracker to unselect all trackers of this color, or
·        double-click to set the color of the node (tracker or mesh).
Lock.. Lock or unlock the tracker.
Enable.. Tracker or spline enable or disable.
Tracker Name. Selected nodes have a white background. Only some types of nodes can be selected, corresponding to what can be selected in SynthEyes's viewports. In the following list, keep in mind that only one of most objects can be selected at a time; only trackers can be multi-selected.
·        click or drag to select one node (updating all the other views),
·        control-click or drag to toggle the selection,
·        control-shift-drag to clear a range of selections,
·        shift-click to select an additional tracker,
·        shift-click an already-selected tracker to select the range of trackers from this one to the nearest selected one, or
·        double-click to change the name of a node (if allowed).
Include in Composite.. When on (as shown), keys on this track are included in the composite track of its parent (and possibly in the grandparent, great-grandparent, etc). The ‘off’ key of an enable track is never included on a composite track.
Mouse Modes
The mouse mode buttons at the bottom center control what the mouse buttons do in the canvas area. Common operations shared by all modes:
·        Middle-mouse pan,
·        Middle-scroll to change the current frame and pan if needed.
·        Shift-middle-scroll to zoom the time axis
·        Right-drag to zoom or pan the time axis (like the main timebar)
·        Right-click to bring up the track mode'scanvas menu.
Select Keys.. The shared operations plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
·        Shift-left-click or –drag to add to the selected key set,
·        Control-left-click or –drag to remove from the selected key set.
Re-time Keys.. The shared operations plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
·        Left-drag selected keys to re-time them (shift them in time),
·        Control-left-drag to clone the select keys and drag them to a new frame,
·        Alt-left-drag to include keys on all tracks sharing keys.
·        Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Add Keys.. The shared operations plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-click a location where there is no key to add one.
·        Left-drag a box to add keys at all possible key locations within the box. The value will be determined by interpolating the existing curve at the time the key is added.
·        Shift-left-click to add to the selected key set,
·        Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Delete Keys.. The shared operations plus:
·        Left-click a key to delete it,
·        Left-drag a region, all keys inside that can be deleted will be deleted.
Squish Mode.This mode activates automatically when you select Squish mode with the keysnotshown(see Shared Features, above). With no keys shown, the key manipulation modes do not make sense. Instead the following mode, modified from the hierarchy's name area, is in effect:
·        click or drag to select and flash one node,
·        control-click or drag to toggle the selection,
·        control-shift-drag to clear a range of selections,
·        shift-click to select an additional tracker,
·        shift-click an already-selected tracker to select the range of trackers from this one to the nearest selected one.
Hierarchy Menu (Tracks mode)
This menu appears when you right-click in the hierarchy area. Note that some menu items pay attention to the mouse location when you right-click.
Home.Scrolls the hierarchy up to the top.
End.Scrolls the hierarchy to the end.
Close except this.Closes all the other nodes except the right-clicked one.
Close all.Closes all nodes except the top-level Scene.
Expose recursive.Exposes the clicked-on node, and all its children.
Close recursive.Closes the clicked-on node,and all its children.
Expose selected.Exposes all selected nodes.
Close selected.Closes all selected nodes.
Delete clicked.Deletes the node you right-clicked on.Note: the delete key (on the keyboard) deletes keys, not nodes, in both the canvas and hierarchy areas.
View Controls.The following items appear in the View Controls submenu, abbreviated as v.c. Note that most have equivalent buttons, but these are useful when the buttons are hidden.
v.c./To Graph Mode.Change the graph editor to graphs mode.
v.c./Sort Alphabetic.Sort trackers alphabetically (modified).
v.c./Sort By Error.Sort trackers by average error.
v.c./Sort By Time.Sort trackers by their start and end times (or end and start times, if the playback direction is set to backwards).
v.c./List only selected trackers.List only the selected trackers, ‘Active Trackers’ node changes to ‘Selected Trackers.’
v.c./Lock time to main.The time bar is made to synchronize with the main timebar, for when the graph editor is embedded in a viewport. Not recommended, likely to be substantially changed in the future.
v.c./Colorful background.Show the colorful background indicated whether or not enough trackers are present.
v.c./Remove menu ghosts.Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop-up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.
Canvas Menu (Tracks mode)
The canvas menu is obtained by right-clicking (without a drag) within the canvas area. Many of the functions have icons in the main user interface, but the menu can be handy when the toolbars are closed, and it also allows keyboard commands to be set up. There are two submenus, Mode (abbreviated m.) and View Controls (abbreviated v.c.).
m./Select. Go to select-keys mouse mode.
m./Time. Go to re-time keys mouse mode.
m./Add Keys. Go to add keys mouse mode.
m./Delete Keys. Go to delete keys mouse mode.
m./To Graph Mode. Change to graph mode.
Reset time axis. Reset the time axis so the entire length of the shot is shown.
Squish vertically. Squish the tracks vertically so they all can be seen. The keys will still be shown and can be selected, though if there are many tracks this may be hard.
Squish with no keys. Squish the tracks vertically, and do not show the keys. Use the simplified hierarchy-type mouse mode to select trackers.
Squish off. Turn off squish mode.
Delete Selected Keys(all). Deletes selected keys outright, including in shared-key channel groups. Deleting a camera X key will delete keys on Y and Z also. See the graph editor right-click menu for different versions.
Delete Selected Trackers. Deletes selected trackers.
Approximate Keys. Replaces the selected keys with a smaller number thatapproximate the original curve.
Exactify trackers. Replaces selected tracker position keys with new values based on the solved 3-D position of the tracker—same as the Exact button on theTracker Panel.
v.c./Lock time to main.The time bar is made to synchronize with the main timebar, for when the graph editor is embedded in a viewport. Not recommended, likely to be substantially changed in the future.
v.c./Colorful background.Show the colorful background indicated whether or not enough trackers are present.
v.c./Remove menu ghosts.Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop-up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.
Graphs Mode
Hierarchy Area
Disclosure Triangle.. Click to expose or hide the node/nodes/tracks under this node.
Visibility.. Show or do not show the node (tracker or mesh) in the viewports.
Color(node). . Has the following modes for trackers; only the last applies to other node types:
·        shift-click to add trackers with this color to the selection set,
·        control-click on the color square of an unselected tracker to select all trackers of this color,
·        control-click on the color square of a selected tracker to unselect all trackers of this color, or
·        double-click to set the color of the node (tracker or mesh).
Lock.. Lock or unlock the tracker.
Enable.. Tracker or spline enable or disable.
Tracker Name. Selected nodes have a white background. Only some types of nodes can be selected, corresponding to what can be selected in SynthEyes's viewports. In the following list, keep in mind that only one of most objects can be selected at a time; only trackers can be multi-selected.
·        click or drag to select one node (updating all the other views),
·        control-click or drag to toggle the selection,
·        control-shift-drag to clear a range of selections,
·        shift-click to select an additional tracker,
·        shift-click an already-selected tracker to select the range of trackers from this one to the nearest selected one, or
·        double-click to change the name of a node (if allowed).
Show Channel(s).. When on (as shown), the channel's graph is drawn in the canvas area. On a node, controls all the channels of the node, and the control may have the on state shown, a partially-shown state (fainter with no middle dot), or may be off (hollow, no green or dot).
Zoom Channel.. Controls the vertical zoom of this channel, and all others of the same type: they are always zoomed the same to keep the values comparable.
·        Left-click to see all related channels (their zoom icons will light up) and see the zero level of the channel in the canvas area, and see the range of values displayed on the status line.
·        Left-drag to change the scale. It will change the offset to keep the data visible—hold the ALT key to keep the data visible over the entire length of the shot.
·        Right-click to reset the zoom and offsets to their initial values.
·        Double-click to auto-zoom each channel in the same group so that they have thesame scaleandsame offsets. Compare to double-clicking the pan icon.
·        Shift-double-click auto-zooms all displayed channels, not just this group.
·        Alt-double-click auto-zooms over the entire length of the shot, not just the currently-displayed portion. Can be combined with shift.
Pan Channel.. Pans all channels of this type vertically.
·        Left-click to see the zero level of the channel in the canvas, and to show the minimum/maximum values displayed on the status line.
·        Left-drag to pan the channels vertically.
·        Right-click to reset the offset to zero.
·        Shift-double-click auto-zooms all displayed channels, not just this group.
·        Alt-double-click auto-zooms over the entire length of the shot, not just the currently-displayed portion. Can be combined with shift.
Color(channel).. Controls the color of this channel, as drawn in the canvas:
·        double-click to change the color for this exact node and channel only, for example, only for Tracker23,
·        shift-double-click to change thepreferencefor all channels of this type, or
·        right-click to change the color back to its preference setting.
Mouse Modes
The mouse mode buttons at the bottom center control what the mouse buttons do in the canvas area. Common operations shared by all modes:
·        Middle-mouse pan,
·        Shift-middle-scroll to zoom the time axis
·        Right-drag to zoom or pan the time axis (like the main timebar)
·        Right-click to bring up thecanvas menu.
Select Keys.. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
·        Shift-left-click or –drag to add to the selected key set,
·        Control-left-click or –drag to remove from the selected key set.
Set Value. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-drag a box (starting in empty space) to select all the keys in the box,
·        Shift-left-click or –drag to add to the selected key set,
·        Control-left-click or –drag to remove from the selected key set.
·        Left-drag a key or selected keys vertically to change their values.
·        Double-click a key or selected keys to bring up theSet Key Valuesdialog and set or offset their values numerically.
Re-time Keys.. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Left-drag a box to select all the keys in the box,
·        Left-drag selected keys to re-time them (shift them in time),
·        Control-left-drag to clone the select keys and drag them to a new frame,
·        Alt-left-drag to include keys on all tracks sharing keys with the selected ones.
·        Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Add Keys.. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a key to select it,
·        Shift-left-click on a key to add to the selected key set.
·        Control-left-click on a key to remove it from the selected key set.
·        Left-click on a curve to add a key at that location.
·        Left-drag a box in empty-space to add keys at all possible key locations within the box. The value will be determined by interpolating the existing curve at the time the key is added.
·        Double-click keys to bring up the Set Key Values dialog.
Delete Keys.. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a key to delete it,
·        Left-drag a region, all keys inside that can be deleted will be deleted.
Deglitch.. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click a curve or key to fix a glitch by averaging, or by truncating if it is the beginning or end of the curve.Warning: do not try to deglitch the first frame of avelocitycurve—it is thesecondframe of the actual data. Turn on the position curve instead.
·        Control-left-drag to isolate on the curve under the mouse cursor. (Temporarily enters isolate mode.)
Isolate.. Intended to be used when all trackers are selected and displayed. The shared operations at top plus:
·        Left-click or -drag on a curve or key to isolate only that tracker, by selecting it and unselecting all the others. Keep the left mouse button down and roam around to quickly look at different tracker curves.
·        Right-clickon the isolate buttonat any time selects all the trackers, even if isolate mode is not active.
Zoom.. The shared operations at top (except as noted) plus:
·        Left-drag an area then release; then channel zooms and offsets are changed to display only the dragged region. Simulates zooming the canvas, but it is the zoom and pan of the individual channels that is changing.
·        Right-clickon the zoom buttonresets the pans and zooms—even if the zoom button is not active.
Hierarchy Menu (Graph mode)
This menu appears when you right-click in the hierarchy area. Note that some menu items pay attention to the mouse location when you right-click.
Home.Scrolls the hierarchy up to the top.
End.Scrolls the hierarchy to the end.
Hide these curves.Turns off the display of all data channels of the node that was right-clicked.
Close except this.Closes all the other nodes except the right-clicked one.
Close all.Closes all nodes except the top-level Scene.
Expose recursive.Exposes the clicked-on node, and all its children.
Close recursive.Closes the clicked-on node,and all its children.
Expose selected.Exposes all selected nodes.
Close selected.Closes all selected nodes.
Delete clicked.Deletes the node you right-clicked on.Note: the delete key (on the keyboard) deletes keys, not nodes, in both the canvas and hierarchy areas.
View Controls.The following items appear in the View Controls submenu, abbreviated as v.c. Note that most have equivalent buttons, but these are useful when the buttons are hidden.
v.c./To Tracks Mode.Change the graph editor to tracks mode.
v.c./Sort Alphabetic.Sort trackers alphabetically (modified).
v.c./Sort By Error.Sort trackers by average error.
v.c./Sort By Time.Sort trackers by their start and end times (or end and start times, if the playback direction is set to backwards).
v.c./List only selected trackers.List only the selected trackers, ‘Active Trackers’ node changes to ‘Selected Trackers.’
v.c./Draw all selected nodes.Controls whether or not selected nodes are drawn, equivalent to the button on the user interface.
v.c./Snap channels to grid.Controls whether or not channels being panned have their origin (zero value) snapped onto one of the horizontal grid lines.
v.c./Lock time to main.The time bar is made to synchronize with the main timebar, for when the graph editor is embedded in a viewport. Not recommended, likely to be substantially changed in the future.
v.c./Colorful background.Show the colorful background indicated whether or not enough trackers are present.
v.c./Remove menu ghosts.Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop-up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.
Canvas Menu (Graph mode)
The canvas menu is obtained by right-clicking (without a drag) within the canvas area. Many of the functions have icons in the main user interface, but the menu can be handy when the toolbars are closed, and it also allows keyboard commands to be set up. There are two submenus, Mode (abbreviated m.) and View Controls (abbreviated v.c.).
m./Select. Go to select-keys mouse mode.
m./Value. Go to set-value mouse mode.
m./Time. Go to re-time keys mouse mode.
m./Add Keys. Go to add keys mouse mode.
m./Delete Keys. Go to delete keys mouse mode.
m./Deglitch. Go to deglitch mouse mode.
m./Isolate On. Go to isolate mouse mode.
m./Zoom. Go to zoom mouse mode.
m./To Tracks Mode. Change to tracks mode.
Reset time axis. Reset the time axis so the entire length of the shot is shown.
Reset all channel zooms. Resets all channels to their nominal unzoomed range.
Set to Linear Key. Sets all selected keys to be linear (corners).
Set to Smooth Key. Sets all selected keys to be smooth (spline).
Delete Selected Keys-only. Delete only the selected keys, which may require replacing the value instead of deleting the key. Example, you delete X key of a camera path. Y and Z have keys already. A new value is computed for X, what X would be if there was no key there. Since it must have a key, this computed value is used.
Delete Selected Keys-all. Deletes selected keys outright, including in shared-key channel groups. Deleting a camera X key will delete keys on Y and Z also. See the graph editor right-click menu for different versions.
Delete Selected Trackers. Deletes selected trackers.
Approximate Keys. Replaces the selected keys with a smaller number thatapproximate the original curve.
Exactify trackers. Replaces selected tracker position keys with new values based on the solved 3-D position of the tracker—same as the Exact button on theTracker Panel.
v.c./Draw all selected nodes.Controls whether or not selected nodes are drawn, equivalent to the button on the user interface.
v.c./Lock time to main.The time bar is made to synchronize with the main timebar, for when the graph editor is embedded in a viewport. Not recommended, likely to be substantially changed in the future.
v.c./Snap channels to grid.Controls whether or not channels being panned have their origin (zero value) snapped onto one of the horizontal grid lines.
v.c./Colorful background.Show the colorful background indicated whether or not enough trackers are present.
v.c./Remove menu ghosts.Some OpenGL cards do not redraw correctly after a pop-up menu has appeared, this control forces a delayed redraw to remove the ghost. On by default and harmless, but this lets you disable it. This setting is shared throughout SynthEyes and saved as a preference.
Set Key Values Dialog
Activated by double-clicking a key from the graph or tracks views to change one or more keys to new values, specified numerically.
If multiple keys are selected when the dialog is activated, the values can all be set to the same value, or they can all be offset by the same amount, as selected by the radio buttons at the bottom of the panel.
The value is controlled by the spinner, but also by up and down buttons for each digit. You can add 0.1 to the value by clicking the ‘+’ button immediately to the right and below the decimal point. The buttons add or subtract from the overall value, not from only a specific digit.
Right-clicking an up or down button clears that digit and all lower digits to zero, rounding the overall value.
The values update into the rest of the scene as you adjust them. When you are finished, click OK or Cancel to cancel the change.
Approximate Keys Dialog
This dialog is launched by right-clicking in the canvas area of the graph editor, when it is in graphs mode, then selecting the Approximate Keys menu item.
Approximate Keys does what the name suggests, examining the collection of selected keys, and replacing them with a smaller number that produces a curve approximating the original. This feature is typically used on camera or moving object paths, and zooming field of view curves.
Fine Print: SynthEyes approximates all keys between the first-selected and the last-selected, including any in the middle even if they are not selected. All channels in the shared-key channel group will be approximated: if you have selected keys on the X channel of the camera, the Y and Z channels and rotation angles will all be approximated because they all share key positions.
You can select the maximum number of keys permitted in the approximated curve, and the desired error. SynthEyes will keep adding keys until it reaches the allowed number, or the error becomes less than specified, whichever comes first.
The error value isper mil(‰), meaning a part in a thousand of the nominal range for the value, as displayed in the SynthEyes status line when you left-click the zoom control for a channel. For example, the nominal range of field of view is 0 to 90, so 1 per mil is 0.09 degrees. In practice the exact value should rarely matter much.
At the bottom of the display, the error and number of keys will be listed. You can dynamically change the number of keys and error values, and watch the curves in the viewport and the approximation report to decide how to set the approximation controls.


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最終更新:2009年04月05日 04:27


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