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だれでも歓迎! 編集



レイ: Are you troubled by strange noises in the night?

イゴン: Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?

ピーター: Have you or your family actually seen a spook, specter or ghost?

レイ: if the answer is yes, then don't wait another minute.

ピーター: Just pick up the phone and call the professionals!

イゴン: Call the…
全員: Ghostbusters! We're ready to believe you!

ピーター: Franchises available soon! Call for details.


警備員: Oh! Russell! Hey, man, you near the East Wing?

ラッセル: Yap!

警備員: B-b-by the new Gozer exhibit?

ラッセル: Yeah. Why?

警備員: There's something headed your way!

ラッセル: Wait. I hear something. I'm gonna take a look.

警備員: You wanna hear something really creepy? I was reading about Shandor, you know the guy who donated most of the Gozer stuff, He was into the occult. You know, the supernatural.Weird dude!

ラッセル: Ummm, why don't we talk about it some other time. Any other time.


ラッセル: Ahhhh! Hey, you can't be in here! Stop!


ラッセル: Ahhhhhhh!


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