Overview of Standard Tool Scripts

Overview of Standard Tool Scripts
SynthEyes includes a number of standard tool scripts, in addition to the import and export scripts. Additional scripts are announced regularly on the web site and via the Msg message button in SynthEyes.
Here is a quick overview of when to use the standard scripts available at time of publication. For usage details, consult the tutorials on the web site and the control panels that pop up when they are started.
Apply/Remove Lens Distortion. If you track a shot, then discover there was lens distortion, and want to switch to an undistorted version, but do not want to re-track the shot—use this script to update the tracking data.
Camera to Tracker Distance. Prints the distance from the camera to the selected tracker(s).
Convert Flex to Trackers. A flex is a 3-D curve in space; this script creates a row of trackers along it, so you can make it into a mesh or export the coordinates.
Duplicate Mesh. Use to create copies of a mesh object, possibly shifting each one successively to make a row of fence posts, for example.
Duplicate Mesh onto Trackers. Duplicate a mesh onto selected (or all) trackers, for example, many pine trees onto trackers on a mountainside. Use this script to delete them later if you need to, it is otherwise difficult!
Filter Lens FOV. Use to smooth out a lens field of view track in a zoom shot, to eliminate zoom/dolly jitter.
Grid of Trackers. Creates a grid of supervised trackers, optionally within a spline. Use for open-ocean tracking and creating dense supervised meshes.
Invert Perspective. Turn a low(no) perspective object track inside out.
Mark Seeds as Solved. You can create seed trackers at different locations, possibly on a mesh, then make them appear to be solved at those coordinates.
Motion Capture Camera Calibrate. See motion capture writeup.
Reverse Shot/Sequence. Use to avoid re-tracking when you’re suddenly told to reverse a shot. Reverses tracker data but not other animated data.
Select By Type. Use to select all Far trackers, all unsolved trackers, etc.
Shift Constraints. Especially using GPS survey data, use this script to adjust the data to eliminate the common offset: if X values are X=999.95, 999.975, 1000.012, you can subtract 1000 from everything to improve accuracy.
Splice Paths. Sometimes a shot has several different pieces that you can track individually; this script can glue them together for a final track.


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