Rotoscope Control Panel

Rotoscope Control Panel
The roto panel controls the assignment of a shot's blips to cameras or objects. The roto mask can also be written as an alpha channel or RGB image using the image preprocessor.
Spline/Object List. An ordered list of splines and the camera or object they are assigned to. The default Spline1 is a rectangle containing the entire image. A feature is automatically assigned to the camera/object of thelastspline in the list that contains the feature. Double-click a spline to rename it as desired.
Camera/Object Selector. Drop-down list. Use to set the camera/object of the spline selected in the Spline/Object List. You can also selectGarbageto set the spline as a garbage matte.
Show this spline. Checkbox. Turn on and off to show or hide the selected spline. Also see the View/Only Selected Splines menu item.
Key all CPs if any. Checkbox. When on, moving any control point will place a key on all control points for that frame. This can help make keyframing more predictable for some splines.
Enable. Button. Animatable spline enable.
Create Circle. Lets you drag out circular splines.
Create Box. Lets you drag out rectangular splines.
Magic Wand. Lets you click out arbitrarily-shaped splines with many control points.
Delete. Deletes the currently-selected spline.
Move Up. Push button. Moves the selected spline up in the Spline/Object List, making it lower priority.
Move Down. Push button. Moves the selected spline down in the Spline/Object List, making it higher priority.

Shot Alpha Levels.ショットのアルファレベル


Object Alpha Level. オブジェクトアルファレベル


Import Tracker to CP. トラッカーをコントロールポイントへインポート



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最終更新:2009年04月13日 05:35


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