Perspective Window Reference


Perspective Window Reference パースペクティブウインドウリファレンス

Right-click Menu Items 右クリックメニュー

No Change. 変更なし


Lock to Current Camera カレントカメラを見る ~




Navigate ナビゲート


Place 配置


Field of View FOV 視野


Lasso Trackers トラッカーの投げ縄選択

トラッカーの投げ縄選択 選択を追加するにはシフトを押しながら選択。Ctrlを押しながら選択すると選択解除する。

Lasso Mesh メッシュの投げ縄選択


Add Vertices 頂点追加

それらをカレント・グリッドに置いて、頂点を編集メッシュ(the edit mesh)に加えてください。

Move Vertices 頂点移動


Set as Edit Mesh 編集メッシュとしてセットする


Create Mesh Object メッシュオブジェクトの作成

カレント・グリッドでメッシュ・オブジェクトをつくります。 つくられるオブジェクトのタイプは、3Dのコントロール・パネル(他のビューポートのために)によってコントロールされます。

Creation Object オブジェクトを作成

サブメニューから 作成済みオブジェクトを選択します

Mesh Operations メッシュオペレーション

メッシュ操作のサブメニュー 下記参照

Texturing テクスチャ

テクスチャマッピングサブメニュー 下記参照

Grid グリッド

グリッドサブメニュー 下記参照

Preview Movie プレビュームービー

再生ムービーを作成するために、全てのフレーム範囲のパースペクティブにビューを与えます。 下記のプレビュー・コントロール・パネルリファレンスを見てください。

View Submenu ビューサブメニュー

Local coordinate handles ローカル座標ハンドル


Path-relative handles パス関係ハンドル

ハンドルは、カメラ・パスを使って配置されます: パスに沿って、カーブ内側に、または、カーブから上方向へカメラをスライドさせてください。 このオプションは、カメラとオブジェクトだけのために適用されます。

Lock Selection 選択のロック


Whole path パス全体

カメラまたはオブジェクトをトラッカーと同時に移動します。3-D Control Panel参照

Whole affects meshes Wholeのメッシュへ影響

シーンを動かしたときに、Wholeボタンがメッシュに影響を及ぼすかどうか制御します。 既にメッシュを配置しているならONにしてください。もしメッシュを配置するためにシーンを動かすのであればOFFにしてください。

Reset FOV FOVのリセット


Perspective View Settings パースペクティブビューセッティング

パースペクティブ・ビューのために多くのサイジング・コントロールを持つシーン設定ダイアログを表示します: 平面、トラッカー・サイズ、その他を設定してください。

Camera Frustum

視野、面とワールドサイズに依存するカメラの筒―見える領域を見ているカメラの表示を切り換えます。 このメニューのさらなる「show」コントロールは、メインウインドウの表示メニューで記述されます。 Toggles the display of camera viewing frustums—the visible area of the camera, which depend on field of view, aspect, and world size. Additional “show” controls in this menu are described on the main window's view menu.

Mesh Operations Submenu

Convert to Mesh

もしカレントの編集メッシュがない場合は、新しいものがつくられます。 Converts the selected trackers, or all of them, and adds them to the edit mesh as vertices, with no facets. If there is no current edit mesh, a new one is created.


ビューを置いてください。 Adds facets to the selected vertices of the edit mesh. Position the view to observe the collection from above, not from the side, before triangulating.

Remove and Repair

選ばれた頂点はメッシュから取り除かれます、そして、結果として生じる穴はそれらの頂点なしでもう一度紙にそれを三角にします。 The selected vertices are removed from the mesh, and the resulting hole triangulated to paper it over without those vertices.

Subdivide Facets

選ばれた側面は新しい頂点を彼らのセンターに加えておきます、そして、各々の側面が新しい頂点を囲んでいる3つの新しいものと入れ替えられます。 Selected facets have a new vertex added at their center, and each facet replaced with three new ones surrounding the new vertex.

Subdivide Edges

The selected edges are bisected by new vertices, and selected facets replaced with four new ones.

Delete selected faces

Selected facets are deleted from the edit mesh. Vertices are left in place for later deletion or so new facets can be added.

Delete unused vertices

Deletes any vertices of the edit mesh that are not part of any facet.

Texturing Submenu

Frozen Front Projection

The current frame is frozen to form a texture map for every other frame in the shot. The object disappears in this frame; in other frames you can see geometric distortion as the mesh (with this image applied) is viewed from other directions.

Rolling Front Projection

The edit mesh will have the shot applied to it as a texture, but the image applied will always be the current one.

Remove Front Projection

Texture-mapping front projection is removed from the edit mesh.

Clear Texture Coords

フロントプロジェクションまたは重要であることをによるかどうかに関係なく、どんなUVテクスチャー座標でも編集メッシュから掃除されます。 Any UV texture coordinates are cleared from the edit mesh, whether they are due to front projection or importing.

Create Smooth Normals

スムーズな法線の作成 Creates a normal vector at each vertex of the edit mesh, averaging over the attached facets. The smooth normals are used to provide a smooth perspective display of the mesh.

Clear Normals

The per-vertex normals are cleared, so face normals will be used subsequently.

Grid Submenu

Show Grid. Toggle

Turns grid display on and off in this perspective window. Keyboard: ‘G’ key.

Move Grid

Mouse mode. Left-dragging will slide the grid along its normal mode, for example, allowing you to raise or lower a floor grid.

Floor Grid, Back Grid, Left Side Grid, Ceiling Grid, Front Grid, Right Side Grid

Puts the grid on the corresponding wall of a virtual room (stage), normally viewed from the front. The grids are described this way so that they are not affected by the current coordinate system selection.

To Facet/Verts/Trkrs.

Aligns the grid using an edit-mesh facet, 1 to 3 edit-mesh vertices, if a mesh is open for editing, or 1 to 3 trackers otherwise. This is a very important operation for detail work. With 3 points selected, the grid is the plane that contains those 3 points, centered between them, aligned to preserve the global upwards direction. With 2 points selected, the current grid is spun to make its “sideways” axis aligned with the two points (in Z up mode, the X axis is made parallel to the two points). With 1 point selected, the grid is moved to put its center at that point. Often it will be useful to use this item 3 times in a row, first with 3 then with 2 and finally 1 vertex or tracker selected.

Return to custom grid.

Use a custom grid set up earlier by To Facet/Verts/Trkrs. The custom grid is shared between perspective windows, so you can define it in one window, and use it in one or more others as well.

Object-Mode Grids.

Submenu. Contains forward-facing object, backward-facing object, etc, selections. Requires that the SynthEyes main user interface be set to a moving object, not a camera. Each of these modes creates a grid through the origin of the object's coordinate system, facing in the direction indicated. An upward-facing grid means that creating an object on it will go on the plus-object-Z side in Z-up mode. Downward-facing will go in nearly the same spot, but on the flip side.

Preview Movie Control Panel

File name/…

Select the output file name to which the movie should be written. A Quicktime movie, BMP, Cineon, DPX, JPEG, OpenEXR, PNG, SGI, Targa, or TIFF(Mac only) file sequence can be produced. For image sequences, the file name given is that of the first frame; this is your chance to specify how many digits are needed and the starting value, for example, prev1.bmp or prevu0030.exr.

Compression Settings

Set the compression settings for Quicktime and various image formats. Note that different codecs can have their own quirks, such as H.264 which requires the keyframe every N frames checkbox to be off!

Show All Viewport Items

Includes all the trackers, handles, etc, shown in the viewport as part of the preview movie.

Show Grid.

Controls whether or not the grid is shown in the movie.

Square-Pixel Output.

When off, the preview movie will be produced at the same resolution as the input shot. When on, the resolution will be adjusted so that the pixel aspect ratio is 1.0, for undistorted display on computer monitors by standard playback programs.

RGB Included.

Must be on to see the normal RGB images. See below.

Depth Included.

Output a monochrome depth map. See below.


Select None, Low, Medium, High to determine output image quality. The allowable output channels depend on the output format. Quicktime accepts only RGB. Bitmap can take RGB or depth, but not both at once. OpenEXR can have either or both.


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