Combining Automatic and Supervised Tracking

Combining Automated and Supervised Tracking
It can be helpful to combine automated tracking with some supervised trackers, especially when you would like to use particular features in the image to define the coordinate system, to help the automated tracker with problematic camera motions, to aid scene modeling, or to stabilize effects insertion at a particular location.
Guide Trackers
Guide Trackers are supervised trackers, added before automated tracking. Pre-existing trackers are automatically used by the automated tracking system to re-register frames as they move. With this guidance, the automated tracking system can accommodate more, or crazier, motions than it would normally expect.
Unless the overall feature motion is very slow, you should always add multiple guide trackers distributed throughout the image, so that at any location in the image, the closest guide tracker has a similar motion. [The main exception: if you have a jittery hand-held shot where, if it was stabilized, the image features actually move rather slowly, you can use only a single guide tracker.]
Note: guide trackers are rarely necessary, and are processed differently than in previous versions of SynthEyes.
Supervised Trackers, After Automated Tracking
You can easily add supervised trackers after running the automated tracker. Create the trackers from the Tracker panel, adjust the coordinate system settings as needed, then, on the Solver Panel, switch to Refine mode and hit Go!
Converting Automatic Trackers to Supervised Trackers
Suppose you want to take an automatically-generated tracker and modify it by hand. You may wish to improve it: perhaps to extend it earlier or later in the shot, or to patch up a few frames where it gets off track.
From the Tracking Control Panel , select the automatically-generated tracker(s) you want to work on, and unlock them. This converts them to supervised trackers and sets up a default search region for them.
You can also use the To Golden button on the Feature Control Panel  to turn selected trackers from automatic to supervised without unlocking them (and without setting up a search region).
Sometimes, you may wish to convert a number of automatic trackers to supervised, possibly add some additional trackers, and then get rid of all the other automatically-generated trackers, leaving you with a well-controlled group of supervised trackers. The Delete Leaden button on the Feature Control Panel  will delete all trackers that have not been converted to golden.
You can also use the Combine trackers item on the Track Menu to combine a supervised tracker with an automatically-generated one, if they are tracking the same feature.
The Track/Fine-tune Trackers menu item re-tracks supervised trackers, to improve accuracy on some imagery.


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最終更新:2009年03月29日 15:23


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